Moderators: Parts Shop Max, Dan at MAX USA
Author Post
Thu Jan 31 2013, 10:53pm
Registered Member #952
Joined: Sun Jan 23 2011, 08:48pm

Posts: 50
I have been having some issues with my ride height. On my passenger side rear wheel the car seems to be lower than the rest. I adjusted it back to the proper height one day and a day or 2 later it was back where it was. Any ideas?
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Dan at MAX USA
Fri Feb 01 2013, 01:20am

Registered Member #2
Joined: Sun Jan 21 2007, 08:28pm

Posts: 2866
Coilovers can change their ride height when they are not tight on the locking collars. Basically as you steer back and forth introducing twist, and combine that with vibrations driving and they can adjust themselves on both height and preload. The included wrenches and your arm strength wont cut it. We like to set the collars with a flat head screw driver and a hammer.
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