Moderators: Parts Shop Max, Dan at MAX USA
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Dan at MAX USA
Fri Dec 20 2013, 12:43am

Registered Member #2
Joined: Sun Jan 21 2007, 08:28pm

Posts: 2866
FRS / BRZ Solid Diff Riser
The axle angle is so bad when this car is lowered that it puts a lot of strain on the axle joints. This bushing set eases the angle of the axles on lowered cars by raising the diff 20mm. Bolt on CNC aluminum gold anodized front bushings and Weld on laser cut steel subframe/rear diff mounts with new hardware. The FRS and BRZ use a lexus diff and also the luxury oil filled rubber mounts that are great for canceling a lot of noise, vibration, and harshness from the luxury car but they are doing you a disservice getting the power to the ground in your sports car.

Nice price at $100 because other companies sell the urethane rear bushing replacement only for more than this full set of front and rear solid risers

You can see the diff front mounts have a top and bottom half. Notice which side the relief cut around the ID of the bushing in the diff ear is facing. Be careful not to stab the old bushing when knocking it out because its filled with OIL!

The rear solid diff mounts weld into the subframe.

Diff mounts back in place with aftermarket riser installed...

[ Edited Tue Jan 21 2014, 02:12am ]
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Dan at MAX USA
Tue Jan 21 2014, 02:06am

Registered Member #2
Joined: Sun Jan 21 2007, 08:28pm

Posts: 2866
Just got the sub frame riser stock for FRS. Posted it in the chassis section for sale at $100/set.

Get rid of the OEM Rubber bushings that prevent you from getting all of your power to the ground! Help your axle angle and roll center on your lowered car with these CNC bushing replacements.

~ The silver M14 washers are used under the OEM bolt head, 2 in the rear one in the front, when you dont use the gold 5mm topside spacer.
~ Dont use the topside spacer for maximum roll center correction. In this case you need to grind excess metal as seen on page one of this thread.
~ If you cant grind your SF and just want solid bushings not Roll Center correction, or your race rules forbid modding the SF, use the topside spacer, and just use one m14 washer under the head of each OEM bolt.
~Pair these with the diff risers to make your axle joints very happy on your lowered car.

See our install below:

The process of the subframe bushing removal starts with slicing off the rubber that will bounce back your knock-out force

next, get a huge socket or a 2&1/4" pipe and beat out the old bushings.

support the underside firmly with wood

Two of the subframe bushings are recessed when you put them in place. this is your guide to grind the top flush for maximum subframe rising.

After the grinding...

Subframe is put back in place...

You can see the the SF rising leaves an opportunity to shorten the exhaust hangers by the amount of the airgap shown below, to keep the pipe from scraping the ground.

[ Edited Tue Jan 21 2014, 02:12am ]
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Dan at MAX USA
Fri Jan 16 2015, 12:14am

Registered Member #2
Joined: Sun Jan 21 2007, 08:28pm

Posts: 2866
This is the spot that the axle rubs the subframe when super low / full suspension travel. Grind according to photo.
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