Moderators: Parts Shop Max, Dan at MAX USA
Author Post
Dan at MAX USA
Sun Jan 21 2007, 10:39pm

Registered Member #2
Joined: Sun Jan 21 2007, 08:28pm

Posts: 2866
We want to help you by providing the best advice and information regarding drifters life the land of the rising sun has to offer. Please post respectfully.

For each question post a new thread so that it may be easily searchable for others.
We'll reply as soon as possible.
Please follow up to let us know how our recommendations worked out for you, we like feedback.


#2 If a question is posted and you have some FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE or KNOWLEDGE please feel free to contribute, we aren't know it alls. If the subject is something your friend's, cousin's, sister's, roommate's, dad did back when Chevy's were cool, I'd rather you not contribute because the information is now distorted or second hand or worse.

#3 If a thread is subjective, like many will be, I will allow different views to be presented. If a thread turns into a big debate or pissing contest, I'll remind everyone, and then I will clean up the thread. Pertinent information will remain, and bickering will be removed.

#4 Please try to maintain some sembelance of spelling and grammer function in your posts. iF yUoR pOstS LooK lIkE ThIs Yo yO yO Doo dis dat tHEy wIlLL bE DELETED.

If you have any questions/comments/bitches/gripes or complaints please contact any of the moderators/admin.

Thank you

rules borrowed from the venerable uber moderator WWG on

[ Edited Sun Jan 21 2007, 10:43pm ]
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